
 Welcome to our online scrapbook of a fabulous bucket-list type trip to Italy.  For the record, we loved our Heart of Italy Tour by Rick Steves.  

There is no way we could have seen as much on our own. These people are pros at logistics and timing and have contacts in all these places.  Every penny we spent on this tour was absolutely worth it.  

We enjoyed spending time with our fellow tour members and there were few enough of them that we could remember names.  We also liked the fact that we covered the big "must see" attractions with the tour group but that we also had a nice block of free time in each place to do what we wanted to do, even if that was sleep.  

We had time on our own in Rome before the tour started and we went to Venice when it was over, but while we enjoyed both  we accomplished a lot more on the tour--and when we were with the guide we didn't get lost.

So, join us for a trip down memory lane by clicking on the pages listed above, and enjoy!

This is the tour map, but when it was over, we went to Venice on our own